-How long will it take for my order to be shipped?
It can take up to days for an order to be shipped, because most materials aren't ordered until your items are purchased. Although most orders can fall into the category of 3-5 days, some may take up to 7 days. Once orders are ready they will be shipped UPS and you'll be contacted via email with a tracking number.
-Can I return an item?
Yes! All refunds may take approximately 7-10 days to be processed from the received date. Returned items must have tags still on and be returned in original product packaging. Return items must have no visible signs of wear or use. Item will be returned for a refund up to 14 days after shipping date. Please email info@legitstylesclothing to initiate a return. *Return shipping paid by customer.
-Does Legit Styles Clothing shipping international?
-I received a Damaged Item what do I do?
Please contact us via email at info@legitstylesclothing.com
-How can I become a model or promo for Legit Styles?
If you want a chance to promote check out our Legit Styles Promo Team and if you want to model for Legit Styles Clothing please send us a email at:(info@legitstylesclothing.com) entitled model with information and portfolio pictures.